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Sticker Sheet 1

#hashtagsworksworsewithoutcapitals #HashtagsWorksBetterWithCapitals

#hashtagsworksworsewithoutcapitals #HashtagsWorksBetterWithCapitals

A11y, because everyone is worth it

A11y, Because Everyone is Worth It

No A11y No MVP

No A11y No MVP

Digital A11y is a Human Right

Digital A11y is a Human Right

It all starts with accessiblity

It all starts with accessibility

Digital Accessibility is a Human Right

Digital Accessibility is a Human Right

Just A11y It

Just A11y It

Not Inclusive? Not Cool '#A11y

Eat. Sleep. A11y. Repeat.

Eat. Sleep. A11y. Repeat.

Eat. Sleep. Inclusive Design. Repeat.

Eat. Sleep. Inclusive Design. Repeat.

Sticker Sheet 2

Think Differently, Think A11y

Think Differently, Think A11y

It all starts with A11y

It all starts with A11y

Accessibility is fun da mental

Accessibility is fun da mental

Be an ally, test for A11y

Be an ally, test for A11y

Great minds think differently

Great minds think differently

Testing is a task without end

Testing is a task without end

Accessibility is fundamental

Accessibility is fundamental

Be Inclusive, Not exclusive #A11y

Be Inclusive, Not exclusive #A11y

A11y is fundamental

A11y is fundamental

Not considering accessibility makes you the problem

Not considering accessibility makes you the problem