Who Tests the Tests?
This poem was inspired by the Ministry of Testing’s (https://twitter.com/ministryoftest) tweet asking, who tests the tests?
If testers test…
Then what tests, the testers tests?
Who tests the test that testers write?
Who tests the tests to make sure they’re right?
Which tests are the tests that shine so bright?
Which tests are the tests that test what’s right?
Are there tests that test if things go wrong?
Are there tests that test as you move along?
Are there tests that also check as well?
Are there tests that look for those code smells?
Do tests test that you are compliant?
Do tests test your native client?
Are there tests that test that the tests tests right?
Are there tests that test when usage ignites?
Are there tests that test that all can see?
Are there tests that all can use, whomever they may be?
Can the tests test use, across the board?
Or do tests not test those that are ignored?
For if tests that test are not ever tested
There will be no return on the time invested
And the tests won’t test what we want them to.
And be no use for me and you…