A11y with Ady: April 2021

A11y with Ady 

April 2021


I hereby dub the first Tuesday of the month as the new “Accessibility Tuesday” when I will publish this accessibility newsletter, so; 

Welcome to A11y with Ady. I hope you enjoy it and find something useful and I’m happy to hear any feedback or thoughts or anything you would like to hear more about from the world of accessibility. 

Information will be shared in these info groups;

  • General - info that might interest everyone. This could be on inclusion, readability etc. 

  • Disability - info on how specific disabilities might affect the use of software 

  • Technical - info relating to more technical implementations, automation and coding 

  • Compliance - news on WCAG Guidelines, regulation, legal actions etc.

So, here we go!


The benefits of asking for a VPAT (Voluntary Product Accessibility Template) also known as a conformance report are nicely outlined in this article. We have a known problem with HelpScout, so maybe we should be asking for one, and chasing for time scales for outstanding issues? 



While you don’t really have to be sneaky to look at the first public draft of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 3.0 this article summarises the changes you can expect really well. There are a number of significant language changes in the new version we will all have to get used to. A focus on the outcomes is also a significant change of tact along with new areas to look at like clear language. These all make for an interesting future for accessibility conformance. 



This is not my strongest area of expertise but it comes recommended and from what I’ve read there may be useful things within that we can use. 

Welcome to Tenon-UI

These are the documentation pages of Tenon-UI: Tenon’s accessible React components library. Why another component library?

Tenon-UI strives to become a go-to library for React developers who want to build inclusive and accessible sites that can be used by as many people as possible. If you do not yet know why this is a very good idea or how this relates to React in general, please visit the React Accessibility Docs.



Jamie Knight writes about how their ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) affects their sleeping and the various things they do to adapt their environment to help them. 


I found this visual from Seth Perler.com on his iceberg theory a really interesting insight into neurodiverse conditions as this could also apply to some versions of autism and PTS / PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). For information, PTS normally resolves within a month or so, PTSD can last longer or for life.  Note: there are a few other iceberg type theories out there.

Description: The iceberg shows what people usually notice above the surface, late to work, no motivation, low grades etc. But below the surface there could be one or many things going on.

Seth Perler iceberg theory

That’s it for this month. Don’t forget to let me know what you liked, didn’t and any suggestions for improvements or questions.
Have a great Accessibility Tuesday, kind regards, A11y_Ady

Accessibility Book Review: Inclusive Components by Heydon Pickering

Accessibility Book Review: Inclusive Components by Heydon Pickering

Inclusive Components by Heydon Pickering

This book’s subtitle of, ‘Accessible web interfaces, piece by piece’ is almost the perfect descriptor as it really does do what it says on the tin.  Want to build an accessible tooltip?  This has step by step instructions with code examples and design renderings to not only show you what to do but show what it ‘should’ look like.

Being an Accessibility Advocate - and why you should too

Following a post on LinkedIn about side hustles, where, in the comments, I mentioned working on an accessibility workshop. I was asked ‘What’s an accessibility advocate?’ I say it often and had an internal understanding but had never properly thought about defining it for myself or to anyone.

This was the beginning of my reply.

My definition is someone who promotes, talks about and actively brings accessibility into conversations.

That felt about right but I see lots of similarities with other disciplines and their advocates that I wanted to provide some context. A distraction from preparing to deliver my very first accessibility workshop at Sky in Leeds, but a worthwhile one I think.

So I continued;

A bit like security is seen as a pure specialism and scary by some, many see accessibility the same way. For both there is so much we can do.

• Ask if they have been considered early on in the process.

• What strategies are we using?

• Include basic tests in our exploration

Considered at the design stage instead of hard to add items they become design choices and therefore much cheaper. Considered after something is built, they are much more costly!

I was fairly comfortable with my answer now but I couldn’t quite drop the thought. I kept thinking about my immediate reply and was it really deep enough? Did I understand what I wanted to achieve by doing this as well as I assumed I did? Should I, as any good tester would, question my assumptions for a clearer understanding? I came to the conclusion, after some thought, that yes, yes I should question myself. It didn’t take long to identify that it is those things, but there’s more to it.

I make it very clear at the beginning of conversations, talks and even recently in a workshop given at Sky in Leeds and a meetup in Nottingham, that I am in no way an accessibility expert. But that doesn’t mean I can’t teach others what I know, spread the message and amplify others voices in the space. It never ceases to amaze me of the knowledge we take for granted as common place that isn’t widely known. Simple things like adding Alternate Text (Alt-text) to images accessed digitally seem obvious to allow people who need to use screen readers to navigate. But they only become obvious once you consider those users.

Over the last few years I’ve looked at different ways to spread the message.

• Invented a visual heuristic (https://www.thebigtesttheory.com/blog/2019/5/13/my-first-experiences-with-accessibility-testing).

• Shared information.

• Been a co-host of an accessibility power hour (https://club.ministryoftesting.com/t/power-hour-accessibility-testing/26064) on the Ministry of Testing Club.

• Created a quiz I believe is unique (and so far very well received) and that I’m still improving. It is deliberately very visual, as that is the target audience, but I want to make sure non-visual people can also take part by providing a fully accessible version online. Although I suspect they know most if not all of the answers already!

The next stage is developing a longer workshop to help people to conduct a basic accessibility audit of their own sites and apps. Learning this will allow those attending to have those conversations up front and (hopefully) influence the design. Essentially, I’m hoping to inspire others to become accessibility advocates themselves. I have an hour and a half workshop already and am close to submitting a half day workshop to conferences. So watch out for it coming to a conference near you soon. I’m also considering offering this to companies in house covering my time and expenses e.g. less about making a profit and more around spreading the message.

The next logical question is why? What makes someone want to be an accessibility advocate? Personal experience? Or just that it’s the right thing to do. While it is the right thing to do the best explanation I can give comes from someone else.

Four-time U.S. Paralympic medallist Tucker Dupree used to do a lot of public speaking during his competitive swimming days. His talks would often challenge the audience to think differently about people with disabilities.

I’d always open my speech with, ‘As a person with a disability, I belong to one of the largest minorities in the world, and on top of that, it’s a minority that anyone in this room can become a part of at any point in their life. You can acquire a physical disability at any point in your life, and disability comes in every culture and in every colour…’

One thing I hold to be true in everything I’ve learned is that the general perception that Accessibility = Disability is not quite correct. In the majority of cases, things that affect people with disabilities can equally affect people without. While it is important of the people with, Accessibility is more about Inclusion so becomes wider than just conformance to the guidelines.

So overall while I’m happy with my contribution although I know it is only a drop in the ocean and it needs more to convince those with the power that this is something we have to do. No easy task but I feel, a worthwhile pursuit.

Near the end of writing this blog post, WebAIM published their re-analysis of the top one million web home pages which can be found at this locations, https://webaim.org/projects/million/update

They categorise errors as;

Errors are accessibility issues that are automatically detectable via WAVE, have notable end user impact, and are likely WCAG 2 conformance failures.

The other reason everyone should be accessibility advocates is what they found. A 98% failure rate. And that’s only based on automatically detectable errors! We can and should do better, but only if we look for and call out these issues.

My First Experiences with Accessibility Testing

My First Experiences with Accessibility Testing

This post has been written as part of the Ministry of Testing Bloggers Club Sprint 13 https://club.ministryoftesting.com/t/bloggers-club-sprint-13-new-timelines/24995

 The brief was; Your first experiences with accessibility testing. How you started, where your learning began and any assumptions you had to question, change or drop completely.

Reflections from TestBash Brighton –Testing as a Team

Reflections from TestBash Brighton –Testing as a Team

During my time at TestBash Brighton possibly the most common subject to pop up was related to group testing activities.  Be that mobbing, bug bashes or whole team test days built into the process.  Maaike Brinkhof in her talk, ‘Exploratory Testing with the Team, a Journey Worth Taking’ explained how they undertook ‘Team Test Sessions’ before they released. 

This is the story of our first foray into testing as a team.

Reflections from TestBash Brighton – Being Brave

I’ve been a member of the online testing community for a long time, initially though Twitter by following some testing ‘names’ and then through the Ministry of Testing. A lot has been written about how welcoming the Ministry is and how they put inclusion and diversity at the forefront of their thinking and planning and I can only echo that. They have not only helped me improve as a tester, they have helped me improve as a person and had a massive and unexpected impact on me. They helped me be braver!

I’ve written poetry and parody lyrics to songs since I was young. These were always for me, with a couple of minor exceptions to my partner! You know, valentines and other mushy stuff… But something happened along the way and posting my first foray into testing related output (https://www.thebigtesttheory.com/blog/2017/11/26/if-ady-stokes-2017) in the club as well as my blog (which was also for me, never expected anyone else to read it) was a very big step for me. It took a long time for me to decide to share, then even longer to hit the Create Topic button. Fortunately there are some very kind people in our community who enjoyed it and encouraged me to do more.

At Brighton in my talk, Test all the Things with the Periodic Table of Testing, I had an irrational idea to create a song for people to join in and hopefully remember my table. I always get nervous before talking but it was several levels raised above normal thinking about singing (well, what I call singing) in public. Again I was encouraged by many but I need to shout out to Gem Hill and Emma Keaveny (our brilliant Essentials host) for their encouragement. To quote Emma;

Yes my friend, be brave! It’s the best place to be brave.

And it was! Despite my shaky voice, messing up the last chorus and going out of rhythm I did it! With more help from the amazing Gwen Diagram and João Proença through a Twitter request I had my support and the whole crown joined in. Warning, if you play this, you will hear my truly awful singing. No excuses, but it is a bit out of sync… honest… 😊


Lyrics below if you want to see but the story isn’t quite finished…

Two days later I was even braver in the 99 second talks at TestBash. I read out my poem, Does it Work. The very first time I have ever read out one of my poems. I was shaking badly throughout to the point I nearly dropped the mic (not in a cool at the end way like Vern Richards (love him) suggested).

Being brave can sometimes have its rewards and mine was incredible. I’ve been a long-time admirer of Angie Jones and was fortunate to sit on the same table of her for TestBash. It literally made my week when I collapsed in my chair, stunned by the reaction and that I had actually beaten my fears, and Angie high fived me and said, ‘good job’. I have had it confirmed that despite being a 52 year old the correct label for my reaction was that I had a complete ‘fanboy moment’! I make no apologies for this, Angie is a legend, period.

If you take anything away from my ramblings please let it be, be brave. I am very confident in saying that whatever it is, whatever you want to try, we got you. Me, Ministry of Testing, the whole community. No judgement, just love. Be brave.

We Will Test You (music by Queen; lyrics by Ady Stokes)

Buddy you’re a visual heuristic

Describing the breath of the testing universe

You got elements in place

Paths you can trace

It’s something you can use all over the place, Singin’

We will we will test you (come on)

We will we will test you

Buddy you have different elements

Covering how you can test all the things

You now have a place

You can embrace

You can use this table all over the place

We will we will test you (with the periodic table!)

We will we will test you

Buddy you can scope your projects

Listing all the things that you want to test some day

No mud on your face

It’s no disgrace

To help you test the things give it pride of place

We will we will test you

We will we will test you

Reflections from TestBash Brighton - Testing is?

For my talk at TestBash Brighton Essentials (see ref below for slides and more) one of the things I covered was what I believe testing is. Over the last 6-months or so I have been mentoring a new tester on their journey and to start that journey, I had to explain what testing is.

There are a many, many attempts to explain testing and I even referenced one of my favourite descriptions in my presentation.

Testing is the infinite process of comparing the invisible to the ambiguous so as to avoid the unthinkable happening to the anonymous.

James Bach

Over time, the more I looked at how different people went to great lengths to explain the craft, the techniques, the mind set and from other perspectives. I though, there must be a simpler way of beginning the conversation as it is my opinion that when trying to explain what ‘testing is…’ we do ourselves a disservice and answer instead, ‘what testers do…’ or a close variation.

My belief is when we do this, we confuse ourselves and others and we would really help our craft and each other if we simply said;

Testing is part of risk mitigation for the product or system.

Now I know that might sound overly simplistic when we are sometimes put in the position of defending our profession and craft. But, we should follow up with;

And we do that by…

This way, when we talk about critical thinking, observation, problem identification and solving; explain why automation helps but isn’t a solution in of itself; offer advice about bias, empathy and inclusion; offer opinions on observability and testability and ask unexpected questions from the, ‘but that would never happen’ category, there would be a clear concept that all these things help us identify and reduce risk for the product or system we are helping develop.

I would be really happy to hear others opinions on this way of thinking. Please let me know in the comments or follow up on Twitter @CricketRulz




Talk link to be added later, may be Pro or attendees only, to be confirmed

Does it work?

A testing poem - Does it work? 


So, does it work? 

They ask
Eager anticipation
Strained expectation
They long for the elation of validation
For their creation 

It works on my machine
And the code looks oh so clean
And from the unit testing I can gleam
All is working
So it seems

So, does it work? 

I’ll instigate an investigation
Think about the context situation
People of all sorts
And their variation
Accessible personas and maybe a simulation 

I’ll examine the foundation
Report my observation
And if there’s any recommendation
I’ll happily give a verbalisation
Of the points in my notation 

So, does it work? 

I can see your animation
As I check your installation
As we run the integration
We will gain illumination
And ensure no degradation 

So, does it work?

I’m not one for exaggeration
As I ponder my interpretation
Of the myriad combination
To begin theorisation
Of the behaviours sophistication 

Based on my examination  
And with no more procrastination
I’ll give my declaration
With a final proclamation
That it’s a veritable sensation 

So to answer your communication
Asking about the classification
I have no hesitation
Declaring my appreciation
Of your wonderful formation 

Simply put, 

Based on the time allowed and data available I think we have a reasonable level of confidence to move this forward. 



I See No Bugs / The Fresh Prince of Testing

In November I did a presentation at Leeds Tester Gathering with the slides available here;  (https://www.slideshare.net/adystokes/2017-11-leeds-tester-gathering-i-see-no-bugs) The talk was about how a test manager back in 2005 pitted testers and developers against each other but using the measure of bugs.  They were good for testers and bad for developers.  This lead to arguments about features, not in the requirements etc. etc.  Basically a rant about attitude, human communication and language that lead to me stop finding bugs and instead just describe behaviour.  For anyone who has seen my version of Rudyard Kipling’s famous poem ‘If’ written as if he were a tester you may already know I sometimes do strange things with others great work.  

For the gathering I was hoping to have a version of the Fresh Prince of Bel Air theme tune to close but I simply didn’t finish it in time.  So here in it’s glory is my version of the theme telling the tale of my belief that as an entity ‘bugs’ have no intrinsic value, are divisive and a hindrance to collaboration.  Controversial I know but that’s what I feel.  There’s a link at the end if you want to have a go singing it! 

The Fresh Prince of Testing

This is the story all about how
My life got flipped turned upside down
And I’d like to take a minute just sit right there
I’ll tell you why I don’t find bugs because there’s no value there

In West Yorkshire born and raised
Finding bugs was how I spent most of my days
Chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool
Executing scripts as a general rule
When a test manager who was up to no good
Started making trouble in my neighbourhood
I was measured on bugs and the Devs were too
I could tell pretty quickly that we were all screwed

I whistled for a dev and when they came near
I told them about bugs but it was like they didn’t hear
I wish I could say arguments were rare
But they were like mansions in the town of Bel Air

I pulled my hair out in chunks and the Devs did too
All we did was argue and the quality blew
Then I said eureka about bugs I don’t care
I’ll just describe the behaviour that I see there

So the arguments stopped and the quality grew
The manager left coz he didn’t know what to do
Thanks for taking a minute and sitting right there
Now you know why I don’t find bugs
And why my boss doesn’t care. 

Instrumental if you want to sing along! 

Fresh Prince of Bel Air theme song (short version from the TV opening)

If – Ady Stokes 2017

‘If’ by Rudyard Kipling was written in 1895.  Here’s my version, if Rudyard were a tester. Please excuse the artistic licence! 

If – Ady Stokes 2017

If you can keep your head and explain the quality of the product that’s due, 
When all about you are losing theirs, and blaming it on you. 
If you can trust yourself when others are doubting you, 
But make allowance for their doubting too. 
If you are treated worse than you really should, 
Or there’s misunderstanding of what you said, 
And that the future doesn’t look too good, 
Or being told that your art is dead. 

If you can advocate your worth and believe in testing’s value, 
And think of every possible practical scenario that could transpire. 
If you can dream of all the things the customer might do, 
Then analyse the results to take your testing higher.   
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster,
And treat those two impostors just the same.
If you can script, but not make scripts your master, 
And make discovery of truth your aim. 

If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew,
To serve your turn long after they are gone.
And so hold on when there is nothing in you, 
Except the Will which says to the team: 'Hold on!'  
And explain simply your deductive and inductive reasoning, 
That was led by curiosity and guided by your intuition.  
If you can hear bias arguments but smile and keep on listening, 
Then use soft skills and diplomacy to keep everyone on mission. 

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Management - not losing the common touch.
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all stakeholders count with you, but none too much.
If you can fill the unforgiving minute, (or 99 seconds)
With sixty seconds' worth of testing value. 
And find a great community who’s in it, 
To share their knowledge and is truly diverse too. 

If you can treat everyone equally,
No matter their difference to you. 
If you can treat their gender, origins and history, 
As valuable to offer a different view. 
If you can be an ally to all those who need, 
And defend their right to be just who they are. 
Support everybody’s rights to succeed, 
And mentor their journey so they may go far. 

If you can see scenarios that will make the testing great,
As well as the risks that others do not spot.
If you can see the value in which tests to automate,
And more, the value in which to not. 
If you can use tools to add value to your quest, 
But understand their value to aid and not replace. 
If you’re not afraid of change and always do your best, 
And can interrogate a database. 

If you can be the personas and advocate for all, 
And the voice of the customer in use and value too. 
And advocate and test for your product to be accessible to all. 
Explore to make discoveries because that’s what you do. 
If you accept that those discoveries, 
Will change what you thought you knew. 
Look for threats and system recoveries,
And help defend against those too. 

And then know all these things here, 
Are just a part of what you do. 
And be brave and show no fear, 
Accepting our learning will never be through. 
If your passion for testing means that you will never quit,
You will be here to the end. 
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a tester, my friend!

Categorising the Table to help scope projects

Categorising the Periodic Table of Testing to help scope projects

Why categorise?

There are several reasons, some more personal than others.  Entering my 52nd year of visiting Planet Earth my mind needs as much help as it can get.  I’m not saying I’m over the hill, but hills can be steep!  I have noticed the odd occasion where words escape me so best not to take chances on forgetting vital information. 

The Periodic Table of Testing has elements.  But not all elements are created equal!  Elements can be useful for specific projects but not appropriate in some cases for lots of different reasons.  Therefore it’s not going to be something that comes into consideration when thinking about project scope or test strategies too often but could be considered depending on the project and context.  Things like accessibility, test data and access however are areas that must be primary considerations whenever you start something new.  There are others that should be considered and that’s why I wanted to categorise the table both to help start those conversations and act as a bit of a guide without dictating. 

I’ve always believed that mnemonics and heuristics are excellent helpers for tasks in general and more so for repetitive ones.  Things we do over and over again have an annoying tendency to become brittle.  We forget one little step or thing and then it quickly becomes ingrained as if we always did it that way.  Having useful reminders around is helpful and especially ones that look cool when put up on a wall. 

What’s in each category?

So below is the first draft of Scoping Categories which I have classed as considerations.  It’s important to say that everything done on both the table and these categories are my opinion from my context.  I don’t expect everyone or indeed anyone to share my opinions so, as with the table itself, you may look at this and think, ‘that’s so wrong’ and you would be right! – In your context.  While I feel this can be a useful reminder and tool, I believe the power is in its ability as a useful guideline and being that reminder to help start conversations by prompting questions such as: 

·         What does Security mean to us in this situation?

·         How can we achieve living documentation for our project?

·         Are our risks defined enough to prioritise testing?

·         How can we use automation for testing?

·         Do Digital technologies apply?

·         How do I start testing for accessibility?

Updated to new version 5th January 2019

Updated to new version 5th January 2019

I’ve used a Must, Should, Could category definition in an attempt to reinforce the thought that these are considerations, not instructions.  While I have considered each item carefully and where I think they fit, I don’t think it would be useful to go through them all and explain why they are where they are.  For one you would be bored to death and this blog piece would be far too long!  But I do think I should try to explain a little why I believe you must consider those under that category.  I’ll (try to) make it brief, I promise.

Accessibility – Number one consideration from design principles to user base and the most overlooked.  Of course it’s there!

End to end – Focused testing is vital but if you don’t test end to end (whatever that means to your project) you can’t be confident everything ties together.

Discovery – It’s important in any plan or strategy to remember you will discover things that change your plans (put in Oscar Wilde quote, life is what happens when you’re busy making plans, for talk)

Exploring – I extolled the virtues of exploratory testing in this post so won’t go on again but this also covers general exploring of the system you will be testing.  Things that were not apparent from your up front information will be discovered. 

User Access / Permissions / Roles – If you think about how users will be managed you can’t help but think of the different states for your testing.  This will also give you an early indication of whether Personas will be useful.

Security – Linked to the above, even purely internal applications have potential security issues that need considering.

Analytics – From usage statistics, usability analysis and many others understanding how your system is being used and working will help direct your testing focus and efforts. 

Living Documentation – Lets face it, on one hand you have to document, on the other automated tests can be really valuable.  Living documentation gives you the best of both done well.  Lightweight but always up to date documentation.  Focused automated tests on the most valuable functions your system performs.  Win-Win!

Unit Tests – Almost goes without saying.

Testability – Of course! Even in the most technical builds we must ask, how will we test this?  Harnesses, scripts to reset data, fake services, it doesn’t matter what you use or how you apply it, it has to be testable or you have no idea what your releasing.  (in the talk point to Ash’s blog and other good sources)

Test Data – In context (yes I said it again) possible one of the most vital ingredients for testing.  Whether it’s unusual, short or long names (link to a cool article), different statuses or variants in information test data can be your best friend.  Just remember to scramble it if it’s a copy of live!

Monitors / Logs / Audit trails – We all love a good audit… don’t we?  Having logs and audit trails makes audit easy but having access to what your system is up to can help identify the strangest of behaviours.  Logs have so much value, find them, understand them and make sure your team gives them the priority (in context!) they need.

Risk Based Testing – aligning test plans to risk is a way of ensuring your testing is adding the most value to the project at any given time.

I excluded personal elements and methodologies on the basis that those are related to ways of working rather than tools to use in plans or strategies.  I’m happy to hear a different opinion though. For those who are eagle eyed yes the ‘first’ is version 1.1 as I made a number of formatting changes and tweaks while writing up and it’s for my own tracking.  

Note: The categorisation above is based on the latest version of the table, 1.7 which is below and on the Current Periodic Table of Testing and Archive

Updated to new version 5th January 2019

Updated to new version 5th January 2019